
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Amazing A: The Upstairs Room

The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss

Jewish people did not have an easy time of life under Nazi rule in the 1930s and 1940s. This is just one of many books that highlight that period. Three questions for you on this one...please post each answer in a separate comment.

  • In part of the book Annie imagines the trees telling Jewish people what they can or cannot do. Describe some of the things Jewish people were allowed and were not allowed to do.
  • Jewish people had to wear a star. Annie was proud to wear her star. Why?
  • If you had to go into hiding for a long period of time, what would do to escape boredom?


Anonymous said...

1. Most jews were allowed to play games and go outside when they were not in hiding. When they were hiding, they had to stay in one room until dark, then they could only get out of their room for dinner. They often taught each other school lessons, like Sini did. Many families were separated from each other and they could only visit at night, for a couple of days. They were allowed to read, if they owned a book or somebody lent them a book. They were not allowed to shop, and often they relied on others for food, shelter, and clean clothes and water. They could not go to school and many of their old friends didn't like them or they laughed at them. Some jews opened schools in their own homes for other jews to go to. They were allowed to hide, but if the Germans caught them, the were sent to concentration camps and whoever was hiding them was killed. They weren't allowed to have or listen to radios, that is why Johann kept his hidden away. Most people, even if they weren't jews, despised the Germans. Jews were not allowed to teach, but most did and kept it a secret. Many jews lived a life they never dreamed about in those days, and that was something they had to do.

Anonymous said...

2. Annie was proud to wear her star because it was made of cloth, unlike the younger kids ones, which were paper. In the book, it talks about how Annie liked to go over the embroidery with her index finger. She said that she liked feeling the rough parts and the smooth parts of her star. I think she would be proud to wear the star today.

Anonymous said...

3. To escape boredom, I would probably read a book or play a quiet board game. I might also write in a journal so it could be found later, like Anne Frank. I would make up my own game every day and I would maybe even make up funny names. It would be hard having to sit there until it got dark out.