
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Amazing A: The Upstairs Room

The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss

Jewish people did not have an easy time of life under Nazi rule in the 1930s and 1940s. This is just one of many books that highlight that period. Three questions for you on this one...please post each answer in a separate comment.

  • In part of the book Annie imagines the trees telling Jewish people what they can or cannot do. Describe some of the things Jewish people were allowed and were not allowed to do.
  • Jewish people had to wear a star. Annie was proud to wear her star. Why?
  • If you had to go into hiding for a long period of time, what would do to escape boredom?

Mighty M: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.

Wonderful classic! Only two questions for this one...both essay type questions. Make sure to put each in a separate comment/post.

  • Huckleberry Finn is about the same as you are, but grew up in a very different time. Select a favorite passage or chapter from the book and re-write it as though Huck were living in this day and age. Use terms and slang appropriate or that is similar to how you and your friends talk.
  • One of the themes of this book is Freedom. Describe how you see that theme portrayed in this book.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mighty M's 1st Choice: Promised the Moon

Promised the Moon: the Untold Story of the First Women in the Space Race by Stephanie Nolen.

Wow! Another nonfiction pick! I didn't expect my kids to both pick nonfiction to start with. And here are your questions (answer each question in a separate post):

  • One of the people I find very fascinating is Jerry Cobb. Give me a brief biography of this amazing woman.
  • As someone who aspires to be an astronaut, what did you find most discouraging and what did you find most encouraging in reading this book?
  • Of the women profiled in the book, who did you most relate to and why?
  • How has this book affected your decision to become an astronaut?

Amazing A's 1st Choice: The Forbidden Schoolhouse

The Forbidden Schoolhouse: The True and Dramatic Story of Prudence Crandall and Her Students by Suzanne Jurmain

Great Choice A! You picked a nonfiction book first. Here are your questions (answer each one in a separate post):

  • What did you find most interesting about this story?
  • This story takes place in the north, where many think that blacks were treated better. Does this story illustrate this?
  • How would you describe Prudence Crandall?
  • Talk about one of the challenges Prudence Crandall faced in trying to run this school and what she did to overcome this challenge.